The flee market has one of those fiber glass light thingies, that I rather like.

Oh no, guy looking at me while I take a photo!

Later he looks away like I am not there and nothing happened because that is the unspoken way of things in the city.

The Frankfurt Skyline I can't seem to tire of.

The Family I am staying with was kind enough to drive me into the country today for a visit to the Cistercian Monastery: Kloster Eberbach

We hiked up the hill a ways, and well, this was the view:

View inside the monastery which was built around 1100, you can imagine Monks living in a place like this dormatory style.

A rather striking image of the Virgin Mary.

A statue with no hands, but I think really it is coz people stole things like the hands at various times over the centuries.

A stained glass window, very old, around 1100 or so. It conforms to the law of the time that nothing in the church should have a fixed image or be very colorful...

Some views inside the Cathedral...The whole area of the Cathedral was used in the the film [u]The Rose[/u] mit Sean Connery.

Presses and barrels for making wine...

After touring the Monastary came wine tasting, and after that it was a trip to the IKEA mega mart, as large as SAMS club, and packed with all things Swedish! Like...

Fish eggs in a tube!

And crisp bread, immer crisp bread!

View from the outside...

And there is Toys R Us!

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