Jah, das fotos.
Flags at the Alte Oper Platz for the Entrepreneurs of the year, I think each one got a new BMW with a t.v. on the dash or something...

This is palm garten.

So I took a photo of this potato sales person and he then got the idea to give me an apron and then take my photo pretending to sell potatoes... My teacher says the Germans eat potatoes like Italians eat pasta, but it must be a country thing coz it is pretty difficuilt to find potato dishes here in the city.

A more villiage like neighborhood of Bockenheimer Warte, about 15 minutes walk from my West End neighborhood.

Ahh, the Mercedes building macks a big ornament. Go figure.

Und dis ist ein view uber dien River Main. (pronounced "Mine")

Und eine oder view.

It's fall in West-End. (Vest End)

Tall buildings. Aww yeah.

Goethe Platz.

More tall buildings.

Cool old building/restaurant for chronological contrast. Word!

Ahh the building they are building at Oper Term, nice coz I know I can always walk to it and be back in my neighborhood. No really, I can't tell you how nice it is because ich bin ferlauren oft oft oft.

Stop. Flower time!

Aww yeah, Bockenheimer Warte again...

Und eine otter time.

Fruit market, mit das mangos, persimmons, pineapples, und just about everything else. No Mamey Sapote though. Tsk.

Das kinder und das frucht markt.

Marzipan, look out!

Yeah, so what is it like to be in the big city? It is pretty stimulating actually, there is always something going on. Today the police closed down the streets to make way for the Turkish head of state, and then they have closed the Oper platz for the same reason. The city book fair is also taking off today. There is just a lot around to make you aware of the world. The city is alive, and it is invigorating. I find I appreciate hearing music much more, and when I sit down to do something I really concentrate, because I appreciate the time apart. The city drives me to be more creative, more eccentric, and more focused.
Contrast this to suburbs and well, suburbs feel pretty flat really. It is like music there gets absorbed into the vast hegemony. It has nothing to bounce off of, nothing to give it shape. Suburbs are a comfortable environment. They are where you go to check that the castle you built is still functioning and the new garden fountain is still running.
In some ways I think one could concentrate more in a suburb, and a big part of all this is just that a big city is rather new to me. The surrogate mother I am staying with spends a lot of time reading and doesn’t seem to enter the city for its own sake. I guess she knows it too well, and even interesting events can become predictable and mundane over time. At that point, it would be nice to have a garden, and neighbors running around outside. In some sense, every place is what you make it.
Still, I grow more and more comfortable in the city. The stores and cafes take on a familiarity, and it is nice to be comfortable in something that is a living organism. People watching, event watching, window shopping… All these things become a part of the background, a kind of dynamic canvas for life to paint images.